Certificate III in Driving Operations
Building skills, confidence, and expertise for transporting goods
and services safely on the open road.
About the qualification
Our TLI31222 Certificate III in Driving Operations qualification is for those looking to take on driving operation job roles within the Transport and Logistics Industry. The course is designed to educate students on the aspects of driving roles, including legal responsibilities and obligations, principles of safe loading and securing cargo, industry standards required of drivers and other areas, such as accident and emergency procedures, to ensure the student can fulfil a relevant driving operations role, safely and confidently.
Upon successfully completing this nationally recognised qualification, students should be able to apply for a heavy vehicle licence or higher-class licence, in line with NSW licensing and regulatory requirements.
Successful completion of the TLI31222 Certificate III in Driving Operations may lead to employment opportunities, including:
General Freight Driver
Line Haul Driver
Pick Up and Delivery Driver.
Please note: This course provides skills and knowledge to the industry standard, but does not guarantee a job.
This qualification can be completed in up to thirty-six months, dependent on the student's experience, Credit Transfer (CT) or Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). Apply for CT or RPL during enrolment.
This course may be delivered through face-to-face or work-based training. We use a range of assessment methods for this qualification, including:
short answers
workplace observation
observation in a simulated workplace.
Units of Competency
This qualification consists of 15 units of competency, as shown below. Students must complete 13 standard units of competency in addition to 2 units from the Medium Rigid (MR) or Heavy Rigid (HR) pathways.
(C) – Core unit; (E) – Elective unit
*J2S Training Solutions has a Third Party Agreement in place with Driver Training NSW (RTO ID 45209) to provide training and assessment for the specialist units of competency in this qualification.
TLIB0002* | Carry out vehicle inspection (C) |
TLIC1051* | Operate commercial vehicle (C) |
TLID0020 | Shift materials safely using manual handling methods (C) |
TLIF0025 | Following work health and safety procedures (C) |
TLIF2010 | Apply fatigue management strategies (C) |
TLIA0004 | Complete receival and dispatch documentation (E) |
TLIC0033* | Apply low risk heavy vehicle driving behaviours (E) (Driver Awareness) |
TLIE0002 | Process workplace documents (E) |
TLIE0009 | Carry out basic workplace calculations (E) |
TLIE3004 | Prepare workplace documents (E) |
TLIF0009 | Ensure the safety of transport activities (Chain of Responsibility) (E) |
TLIF3013 | Coordinate breakdowns and emergencies (E) |
TLIH0005 | Interpret road maps and navigate pre-determined routes (E) |
TLIC3003* | Drive medium rigid vehicle (E) (Medium Rigid pathway) |
TLILIC2015* | Licence to drive medium rigid vehicle (E) (Medium Rigid pathway) |
TLIC3004* | Drive heavy rigid vehicle (E) (Heavy Rigid pathway) |
TLILIC2016* | Licence to drive heavy rigid vehicle (E) (Heavy Rigid pathway) |
Student Requirements
The following will be required for the enrolment process:
Unique Student Identifier (USI)
verifiable identification documents
completion of the LLND assessment.
a valid class C licence (Minimum of a P2 licence required. Time spent on P1 licence included.)
MR option: min. 12 months
HR option: min. 24 months
Please visit to create your USI.
Students will require access to appropriate technology and internet if the materials are delivered online.

This nationally recognised qualification is delivered and assessed by J2S Training Solutions Pty Ltd, RTO ID 90940, ABN 66 107 687 196. This training will deliver skills and knowledge to the industry standard but does not guarantee a job. We tailor training for people from diverse backgrounds, including those with a disability.
New Year Special
Enrol to the online course before 15 February 2025 and get access to the New Year special price*.
*Qualifications that are non-funded, fee for service price only.
End of Year Special Price $ 8,800 only valid until 15 February.
Payment plans are available, contact us now!
This course is available on a fee-for-service basis at $11,000 per student. Please visit for updated driver and rider license fees.
Extension/Suspension Fee (administration charges): $50
Replacement of Testamur/statement of attainment/Qualification Certificate - Hard Copy: $75
Replacement of Testamur/statement of attainment/Qualification Certificate - Digital: $25
Repeat of unit (Third attempt onwards Per unit): $150
RPL and RCC assessment: Contact us for a quote
Please note: courses fees and additional charges may change from time to time, please check with J2S Training Solutions staff for updates.
J2S Training Solutions does not accept upfront payments of more than $1,500. If a student's fee is more than this amount, the support of a flexible payment plan will be offered to students.